creating an active family in a sedentary world

Posts tagged ‘sweaty’

sweaty and i know it

OK so lately (the past 2 weeks) I’ve had several people make mention of my sweatiness when I work out.  Seriously.  I’m totally confused.  I mean it is 80*+ outside and the muggiest summer I’ve ever experienced in my running life.  How is anyone NOT sweaty?!?  Am I some kind of sweaty freakshow and I never realized it before???  Or, since having my 3rd baby, did my hormones change and make me a sweatier person?  If only 1 or 2 people had said something, I probably wouldn’t think much of it.  But since I fielded my 4th comment in the past 2 weeks this morning at boot camp, I’m starting to wonder…

This week’s training has been tough.  We go on vacation next week, so this is my last week of 2-a-day workouts until we return.  I will workout while I’m gone (I *love* running on vacation!) but I am ready to be more like a normal person exercising instead of a morning and night exercising psychopath.  I’m taking the Tough Mudder training super seriously, sometimes I fear more seriously than the rest of my team, but it’s paying off for sure.  Also I volunteered to cover two extra spinning classes this week (I already teach 2, one Tuesday and one Thursday), so it puts me at 4 classes for the week, one daily Monday through Thursday.

Monday night I sprinted 2 miles then taught spin and THEN hit the last half hour of boot camp.  Back to back to back.  Major mistake.  It was a zillion degrees in the gym and the workout was TOUGH.  When I got home I seriously fought off urges to throw up.  That’s about the only thing less sexy than my mega sweat problem.  Tuesday was an hour of morning bootcamp followed by my hour long spin class.  Bootcamp was outdoors and consisted of carrying/dragging 10 random objects (eg:  car tires, ropes, kettles, sandbags) up a quarter mile hill.  It sucked.  Spinning was spinning.   Wednesday morning I woke up, hopped in the car and started driving to my favorite track. Halfway there it started terrential downpouring on my car so I turned around and just ran 3 in 25:00 on my home treadmill.  Had another hour spin that night and did not make it to the last half of bootcamp because I got caught up in convo with one of my participants after class.  I wasn’t too sad to miss though 😉  This morning was another hour long bootcamp.  Thanks to the rain it was WAY too muddy to play outside so we were inside in the gym.  It was a partner workout – I run a suicide while my partner does 10 burpees.  Then she runs and I do burpees.  Then I run and she does 8 burpees.  And so on.  Once you get down to 0 the activity changes… maybe a suicide up and a side shuffle back while your partner does ball slam burpees.  For the entire hour.  It sucked.  I still have one more spin class to get through tonight.  Typically Friday is my day off, Saturday is a long run and Sunday is a shorter run, but since we will be traveling most of the day Sunday I know I’ll miss my workout so I’m debating not taking tomorrow off since Sunday is 100% an off day.

Aside from all this working out, today is my wonderful husband’s birthday ❤ and I’ve gotta spend most of the day today packing for all 5 of us for our trip!  Can’t wait to get my toes in the sand…

What do you do to adapt / make it through humid weather running?