creating an active family in a sedentary world

Posts tagged ‘Brooks’

Salt water

So it’s been tough to carve out time for blogging because I have been on VACATION (insert glitter-throwing and unicorns here)!!!

Saturday was my “last chance workout” where I logged 6 miles around my ‘hood. Then I packed for 5 people and cleaned the house (there’s nothing worse than coming home to a messy house). That was a whole other workout in itself!

Sunday was travel day. We got up at 3am and were on the road by 4. My husband joked that he couldn’t believe I didn’t get up early to workout before we left. I somehow mustered the strength to not clobber him. That saying “obsessed is what the lazy call the dedicated” certainly holds true in my house. Like I’m the crazy one for exercising half an hour a day and caring about my health? Yeah, ok.

Monday was my first morning to workout on vacation. 5 mile run, 2.5 on the beach (which I’ve never done before) and 2.5 on concrete.
I smartly packed my Brooks Cascadia’s which were great for the sand portion of my run. I dumbly wore ankle socks which got sand in them and that sucked. I should know by now to always stick with ProCompression!

20130717-083426.jpgmy beach route
After the 5 mile run I did the Double Ladder Workout from Yes I packed my kettlebell on vacation. And my jump rope. So sue me.

Tuesday was a brutal 6 mile run. I left at ~6:30am and happened past this sign

20130717-083728.jpg91*. Awesome. And I still had more than 3 miles to go. When I hit mile 5 I was passed by this guy

20130717-090625.jpg and he inspired me to pick up the pace. I’d been averaging 9.5 minute miles till he passed me, I picked up the pace to 8.5 minute/mile to keep up with him. I tailed him easily the last mile by about 15 feet and it made me realize if I could pick it up like that for the last mile without pain then I’m not running hard enough at all. I need to re-evaluate my effort levels for sure. Also I need to find a running partner who pushes me.
Once I got back to the room I did 20 bicycle crunches (w weight), 20 mtn climbers, 20 kettle swings with a punch, 20 kettle figure 8’s… Then 16, then 12 before my family interrupted me.

Today I ran 3 miles. When I got back to the hotel I ran up the 18 flights of steps to our room. I had hoped to do the steps several times BUT I had to go to the bathroom really bad so that was that.

Oh yesterday I was noticed by our hotel maintenance man in the elevator he said, “hey I saw you out running!” I said, “oh yeah?” And he said, “yeah I recognized you by your socks.” ProCompression, baby. Making coast to coast fashion statements, LOL 😉


Trail Blazer

So in case you missed it, yesterday I picked up my first pair of trail running shoes, the Brooks Cascadia.

I wore them this morning for the first time to my outdoor boot camp class. Part of me was hoping it’d be more cross-training today, less running, so I could break them in. But alas our workout was as follows:
*Hill sprint + run trail loop around the gym thru the woods (0.6 miles total thx to my Garmin)
*Cross-Training: 5 tire flips, 20 tire sledges, 10 kettle squats to pull ups, 10 burpee thrust to sandbag cleans, 20 rope slams.
Run to start and after each cross training round. I made it through 5 rounds of running, 4 of cross-training in the hour. And my shoes were FANTASTIC! I’ve always been a trail runner, which I guess is what makes the fact that I’ve never owned a pair of trail shoes before so odd, but they made such a positive difference out there today. Totally comfy. I loved every step. And no blisters or break in pains. I’m sold. Thank you Brooks!

I also rocked my new ProCompression black socks which was a great choice for running through the woods. Everyone was jealous of my new shoes and cool socks. I am a work out clothes winner across the board today 😉 LOL

After boot camp I was soaked in sweat thanks to the humidity but had to wait till after my spin class to change. Kinda gross. But I survived.

My desire to get a road racing bike is really getting stronger by the day and I’m having a hard time ignoring it. I adore spinning and know cycling would be my bag. Guess I need I start doing some research and saving up! Oh man and the Mudder is getting closer and closer. At least I’m actually starting to feel ready for this thing.

How was your workout today?

Do you road cycle? Can you recommend a particular bike make/model?