creating an active family in a sedentary world

Posts tagged ‘group exercise’

You know how it is

Last night there was triple the regular attendance at my gym’s boot camp class. I particularly noticed a group of early 20-something girls who were decked out in skintight NikePro shorty shorts. How could ANYONE not notice a group of good looking young girls? Seriously.

Class starts. It went something like this: 5 laps around the gym, ten reps of an activity, then 4 laps, 8 activity reps, 3 laps, 6 activity reps… Down to one lap & 2 reps. Then back to 5 laps and 10 of the next activity for 4 activities total. It was a solid hour of motion. Activities were of the ball slam burpee variety.

So half way through class and I notice the cute chicks are literally walking their laps. Doing the activity with lackluster effort. And here’s me – 10 years their senior and mom of 3 – running laps full out and slamming the ball like it was my worst enemy. I found it kind of ironic.

Enter this mornings boot camp. A guy was mentioning there were a lot of new people at class last night, his friend responds “really?” and I said “yeah a lot of college chicks in spandex” and the first guy says “and they were WALKING! WALKING at boot camp!” I said “hey they look good now…” And he says “they’re in big trouble in 5 years.” Glad to know I’m not the only one thinking like that.

Sometimes I wish I’d have been as into running & working out back in college as I am now – back when I had free time aplenty to try new things and run new places without having to worry about finding babysitting or getting to dance class or soccer practice. But life is what it is and this is mine.

If you’re a “young person” take a moment and appreciate your freedom – and then go run a mile 🙂

What motivates you to stick with a workout program?