creating an active family in a sedentary world

Posts tagged ‘arch support’

new kicks

So my husband recently got back into working out.  It’s an on again, mostly off again affair he’s had the entirety of our relationship (and probably most of his life).  He’s one of those uber lucky people who is naturally super tall and fit looking and doesn’t have to do much to look fabulous naturally, meanwhile I’m running, biking and bootcamping my butt off and still feel like a cased sausage in a bathing suit.  Ugh.

So the last few times he’s gotten into running he gets up to 2 or 3 miles per run and starts experiencing knee pain on the outside of his left kneecap.  Like excrutiating pain.  So much so that he completely quits exercising all together (which is senseless because weight lifting causes no issues but whatevs).  That’s just how he rolls.  So anywho he’s been back on the workout kick and so for father’s day I took him to my favorite local running store to get officially fitted for his first pair of running shoes.  I figured maybe his issue is that he tends to run in the same shoes he mows the lawn in.  Anyway so they fitted him with the Mizuno Wave Riders along with arch supports because evidently he has high arches.  And the best news is I too wear the Wave Riders so now we are TWINSIES!!!

Yes, I am a dork.

Yes, I am a dork.

Yesterday morning’s workout was an easy 4 miles where I happen to pass by a frisbee golf course.  This wouldn’t be anything noteworthy EXCEPT the past two Sundays there’s been someone there actually frisbee golfing.  Alone.  At 7am.  At the part of the course right nearest to the road where I run.  And yesterday morning it was drizzling.  Kinda creepy.  So I’m gonna avoid going that way the next few weeks.  I’m probably the last runner on the planet someone would wanna attack because I’m always actively protecting myself however I’m no fool and not looking to have a run in with anyone (or anyone’s dog for that matter).

So anyway, I’m excited about my husband’s new shoes, arch supports, and interest in running.  I’m hoping it sticks.  And as for yesterdays creeper… well… hopefully that just goes the way most things typically go… away on it’s own.

Do you have anyone in your family you wish you could run with but just isn’t into running?  

Do you have a particular favorite running course or loop in your neighborhood you have to avoid because of a creepy neighbor or dog concern?  What do you do about it?